(prompt "Which languages do you want to install?")
(help "Put a checkmark at all languages you want GetPayed to be able to use.\nWhen installed, if GetPayed cannot open in a language that matches your system settings, then it will show up in English.")
; * Copy preset rule-files *
(complete 65)
(source "/rules/")
(dest (tackon #destDir "GetPayed/rules/"))
(prompt "Select payment rules to install:")
(help "Put a checkmark at all rule files you wish to install.\n\nA rule file is a file describing a set of payment rules used by GetPayed for calculating the final payment.")
; * Install tutorial project(s) *
(complete 80)
(source "/projects/")
(dest (tackon #destDir "GetPayed/projects/"))
(prompt "Install tutorial script(s):")
(help @copyfiles-help)
; * Copy uninstal script (and icon) *
(complete 85)
(if (set #scriptDir (if (= @user-level 2)
; * Expert users can select place for uninstall script *
(default (tackon #destDir "GetPayed/") )
(prompt "Where should the uninstall script be placed?")
(help @askdir-help)
; * Other users get uninstall script in GetPayed drawer *
(tackon #destDir "GetPayed/")
(source "UnInstall-GetPayed")
(dest #scriptDir)
(complete 90)
(source "UnInstall-GetPayed._info")
(dest #scriptDir)
(newname "UnInstall-GetPayed.info")
) ;if
; * Install developer info (not for novice users) *
(complete 95)
(if (= (askbool
(prompt "Do you want to install developer files?")
(help "The developer files needs only be copied if you intend to do some developing for GetPayed.\n\nThe casual user will not need these files.")